Pet Policy: Pets must be on a 6-foot leash at all times. Please clean up after your pet. Our ecosystem is sensitive, please pick-up/bag and properly dispose of all evidence if your pet relieves themselves. A dumpster is located near the Green house/ pollinator garden area, a Trash can is located near the ticket booth in the visitor parking area. Pets must remain under the owner's control at all times.
Many of the plant collections in the Arboretum are priceless. For their protection and your safety, please be sure that pets remain on designated walkways and trails. Pets are not allowed in streams, ponds or other waterways.
Dog etiquette: Do not let your dog visit other guests or pets unless welcomed. Do not approach pets of others unless you ask permission. Restrain dogs from chasing or barking at arboretum wildlife.
Pet check-list: Leash, doggie waste disposal bags, drinking water, towel for dirty paws.